The SEA Short Course Symposium
The topic for the symposium is “From Vision to Reality: Mainstreaming SHN in the SDG era”

Date: 16 February 2018
Venue:  17th Floor, Pratap Conference Room, Hospital for Tropical Diseases Building


The topic for the symposium is “From Vision to Reality: Mainstreaming SHN in the SDG era”. This is in part a reflection of the findings from the recently published DCP3 Volume 8 chapter on Child and Adolescent Health of which Professor Don Bundy, our chair for the panel is lead editor. The volume presents the current global situation for child and adolescent health, and proposes a package of interventions which can address the challenges faced by child and adolescents during their growth and development.


 In addition, the panel presents an opportunity for the audience to hear the different viewpoints from  various organisations with regards to mainstreaming SHN into Education Sector Plans, which is a key focus for the Global Partnership for Education. GPE’s Global and Regional Activities aim to identify mechanisms that can help ensure that every child has the opportunity to receive and benefit from a full education. This includes out of school children and those with disabilities or health conditions which may prevent them from attending school, or benefitting from the opportunity of a full education. 


SEAMEO TROPMED Network has also participated this symposium by Dr. Ma Sandra B. Tempongko, Deputy Coordinator and sharing on the development of school health nutrition packages.